I am an architect who became a part-time writer by chance and a paid one by necessity.

Back in 2003, a publication I had become interested in called The Patriot Post put out a call for new writers. At the time, the extent of my writing experience was putting together a newsletter for the Young Republican club I had been in as well as the 40 or so GOP voters who lived in my precinct, plus a few letters to the editor that ended up making my local newspaper. Yet I got the job as one of their anonymous scribes.

After I moved to Maryland in 2004, the idea of having my own internet publication took root. At that point, blogging software had become widely available and in 2005 I began a Blogspot site that soon evolved into my own domain and website called monoblogue. Over the next few years, I built monoblogue into a nationally-regarded site that mainly covered local and state politics.

Then came the Great Recession, and I was tossed out of work. Since I had a gig with The Patriot Post, I asked for and received a larger role in its writing, and made it into my first paying gig. A few others have come and gone, but they’ve remained rock-steady for the last 14 years. I also made a few dollars here and there from those who rattled the tip jar or paid for advertising on monoblogue as well as a series of sponsored posts.

While I’ve long since come back to work at my full-time avocation, the appeal of Substack was that I didn’t have to keep fighting to maintain a WordPress site or keep a domain, plus it gave me the opportunity to begin a subscriber-based entity when I felt it was time. In this case, I could follow my passion for baseball as a separate entity but under the same umbrella.

So here I am. I hope you enjoy my page here as well as my eponymous page, which is my Substack with an emphasis on political issues.

Subscribe to The Knothole

This is my baseball Substack page, with an emphasis on the beauty and history of the game. It's also going to be the new home of my Shorebird of the Week Tracker and Hall of Fame.


An architect by day and writer by night. My work isn't just on Substack, but appears on The Patriot Post, too. I have also written two books, with the last being The Rise and Fall of the TEA Party (2019).